
Our free, online workshops are focused on helping people live well with type 2 diabetes or prediabetes.
If you have attended our group called “Understanding Diabetes and Prediabetes” please scroll down and register now for workshops.  
It is important that you attend “Understanding Diabetes and Prediabetes” before attending our workshops so that you can have the best possible learning experience in our workshops.  It is also important that you register with our program before attending any of our groups.
If you have not attended our “Understanding Diabetes and Prediabetes” group or would like to register with our program so that you can, please complete a referral form HERE and someone from our team will contact you. 
Each of our workshops provide you with a chance to practice what you learn and resources to support healthy behaviour change.
Workshops are 1.5 to 2 hours in length.
Once you have registered for a workshop, you will receive an email confirmation right away (please be sure to check your “junk” mail folder if you do not receive the confirmation).  You will then receive an email one business day before the workshop that will include the zoom link (to join the workshop at the scheduled time).

Healthy Eating #1:  Getting Started

▪  Learn how healthy eating can improve your health and blood glucose
▪  Learn about balanced meals and how to manage portions

Healthy Eating #2:  Carbohydrate Counting

▪  Learn which foods have carbs and how to count  them
▪  Learn about food labels
▪  Practice how to make healthy food choices

You are welcome to sign up for this workshop after you have attended Healthy Eating #1: Getting Started.

Meters and Medications

▪  Learn about diabetes medications
▪  Learn what your blood glucose numbers mean for  you
▪  Practice how to prevent and treat low blood glucose

Passport to Health

▪  Learn what your lab results mean
▪  Learn how to prevent problems from high blood glucose
▪  Discuss how to partner with your healthcare provider

Being Active

▪  Learn how exercise can help you
▪  Make a personalized plan
▪  Try using resistance bands

Stress & Diabetes

▪  Learn about the emotional impacts of diabetes
▪  Discover tips and ideas for handling stress and difficult situations
▪  Learn how to get more support

Wellness Support

▪ Reflect on your health and wellness goals
▪  Connect, learn and share with peers in a safe and supportive environment
▪ Learn new ways to support your journey

Tiny Habits

▪  Learn an effective way to create any habit you want
▪ Practice new tiny habits for health
Question & Answer Drop-In
Note: This drop-in session will be held weekly on Wednesdays from 11:30 AM to 12:30 PM
Please check back here before logging on for any schedule changes.
This is a drop-in group, which means you can come if you like.  You only need to register for it once so that you receive an email with a Zoom link.  You can then choose to attend any of the scheduled group sessions.  Please note, a new Zoom link took effect in November 2024. If you have a link from prior to November 2024 please re-register to receive the updated link.
▪ Bring your diabetes questions
▪ Learn from diabetes experts
▪ Find new tools and services